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Moore Action Turning Japanese - I Really Think So

mac_kabuki.jpg - 11975 Byteskabuki_cvr.jpg - 9807 BytesDavid Mack's Kabuki is taking on toylife next year courtesy of Moore Action Collectibles.

Kabuki, now published by Image Comics, was first published by Caliber Comics back around 1994. Even then, with the book in it's infancy, it stood out as something unique and special. Mack used a very "outside the box" approach to telling a story.

In a 1997 interview with Mania magazine Mack states "I was taught what I do as being a total synthesis of graphics and type. Text is just as important as art is as far as my comics are concerned. There's many times when text is the art and art is the story."

The character of Kabuki works for the Noh, an ultra secret agency that tries to keep a balance between organized crime and the government.

Now Mack's creation is fast on it's way to becoming a highly detailed action figure from the exacting hand of Clayburn Moore.

David Mack is also currently writing Daredevil for Marvel Comics.

[Updated 12-16-99]

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