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RTMisc: New Column Launch

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Toy collectors often are interested in things that aren't toys but are either directly related to toys, or are in related genres that match those of their favorites. Genres like comics, sci-fi, fantasy and anime have been steadily expanding into many collectibles that are not toys, but are very related. At RTM, we want to take an opportunity to highlight a few items that are closely related but not strictly toys.

Some items we are looking to cover in this new column - RTMisc - are statues, busts, books and videos that are clearly related directly to some of our toys. There are statues of action figures (such as the He-Man statue from last year's San Diego Comic Con), DVD's and videos, busts (such as the upcoming GI Joe busts), books (such as price guides and reference materials) and others. These areas are of interest both to the staff of RTM and our readership, so this gives us a chance to show off some interesting and related items.

This isn't going to be a column that covers non-related items just because they are the latest 'hot thing', but will cover things that directly relate to toy collecting and the genres within it.

Have a peek at the first two entries in the column:

Vandread - Enemy Engaged! (DVD)

The Encyclopedia of Marx Action Figures (book)

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