Two new figures from the hit PC game Myst III: Exile are headed towards toy shelves, and they are available through Diamond Comic Distributors.
The Myst series is one of the most popular lines of PC games in the genre. Myst and its sequel Riven have sold millions of copies in the past seven years. The groundbreaking game is considered by gamers to be the closest thing to a perfect PC game ever created, as it ushered in a new era of stunning graphics and unique game-play that immediately captured the imagination of gamers across the globe. The popularity of the series continues to grow, and fans of the series and toy collectors alike will be rushing for stores to get their hands on the new Myst III Action Figures.
These two figures are striking depictions of two of the main characters from the game: Atrus, the hero from all three Myst games, and the villainous Saveedro. Both figures feature a detailed cloth robe and accessories, and are scheduled to ship in April 2002.
Fans can find this and other great products based on today's most popular video games at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://csls.diamondcomics.com.
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