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Aztech Toyz: A New Company with a New Vision

With Toy Fair 2000 looming large, we have received word of a brand new toy company that is ready to set the toy world on its ear: Aztech Toyz. This new company has the Art Asylum as one of its principle partners for design and new product development. Aztech's first license will be announced shortly and prototypes will be unveiled at Toy Fair.

aztechlogo.jpg - 5353 BytesRTM spoke with several of the key players at the new company and from what we can tell, this should be one of the best surprises of the new year.

Aztech Toyz President Michael Markowitz (known as "Mez") is obviously excited about the prospects for this new venture."We think that Aztech Toyz can develop toys and action figures that will stand up to and surpass just about anything that you see on the market today. We plan to push the envelope in any number of ways from our design all the way through to our upcoming web site. This company will be the total entertainment package," said Markowitz.

We asked Mez how he and the Art Asylum hooked up for this new venture.

"I needed people who were close to my age and shared my vision for the company...which is young, kind of edgy but with a real sense of style. I wanted people who could really think outside the box. Art Asylum is the only place I found that had all the qualities I was looking for. Art Asylum is the obvious choice, " said Markowitz.

We also spoke with our old pal Digger, head of the Art Asylum about his role in the new venture.

"With Aztech, the Art Asylum can be more involved at all levels of the development process. We will even be involved in the choice of properties and items to be produced. Art Asylum has had its hand tied in terms of creative control and most importantly in terms of quality control. This is a totally new situation for us. We will have the final say in what goes to market in terms of design and quality," said Digger.

"In addition to obviously exploring new frontiers in the action figure world, we will be developing new products based on existing licenses and original content created by the talented staff here. Key players in the creative process are going to be Nelson Ascencio, Manny Jesus, Paul Komoda, and myself. One of our main focuses is going to be to create new and interesting products that appeal to the people that are already into the action figure industry. So basically, expect the unexpected," said Digger.

Aztech Toyz has several special projects in development involving licensed properties. We asked Digger about what he has in mind for this new top secret project.

"I can't really say just yet, but I can tell you that it will box your world!"

Look for Aztech Toyz' first license announcement and other juicy details to be revealed before Toy Fair 2000. Trust us, this is one company to keep an eye on for 2000!

[Updated 12/20/99]

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