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The Marx Knights Return

marx_stuart.jpg - 6100 Bytesmarx_gordon.jpg - 6497 BytesThere's a saying that says everything old is new again, and it seems that truer words have never been spoken in the toy industry. In a year that has seen reissues of the old Evel Kenevel Stunt Cycle, classic Aurora monster model kits and other classic toy revivals it seems the classic toys of the past keep finding their way back to toy store shelves.

Now it's time for the classic Marx Knights to return, exclusively to KB Toys. These authentic re-issues are manufactured from the original production molds used by Marx Toys in the 1960s to make the now classic fully armored medieval action figures, The Legendary Noble Knights.

The full suit of armor, the medieval weapons and the fully articulated figure are recreated in exacting detail in this limited series. Each piece of original equipment has been recreated for this re-release. Everything from the 3 different helmets, to the shield, to the knife with sheath, even down to the crossbow (with bolts!), is true to the original.

Both Sir Gordon, the Gold Knight and Sir Stuart, the Silver Knight, are equipped in over 20 pieces of armor, and feature over a dozen weapons and accessories each.

Each figure is packaged in a large fifth panel collector box, featuring art and designs strongly reminiscent of the classic toy. Figure measures approximately 11.5" tall and retails for $27.95 in KB Toy Stores and KBKids.com.

[Updated 12-22-99]

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