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New Inductees To Toy Industry Hall Of Fame

tma_halloffame.jpg - 4899 Bytes
ertl_tractor.jpg - 4468 Bytesmadamalex.jpg - 4551 BytesThe 16th annual Toy Industry Hall of Fame Dinner-Dance will be held on Thursday, February 17th, during Toy Fair 2000 in New York. This Year's inductees into the Toy Industry Hall of Fame will be Madame Alexander (Beatrice Alexander Behrman, deceased) of the Alexander Doll Company and Fred Ertl, Jr. of The Ertl Company, Inc.

Madame Alexander Doll Company was founded 75 years ago by "Madame" Beatrice Alexander Behrman. Her tradition of fine dollmaking gave her an introduction to the dolls that many girls would envy. The daughter of Russian immigrants, her father founded one of America's first doll hospitals and young Beatrice often played witht he "patients" waiting to be mended.

In 1945, Fred Ertl Sr. forged his first tractor replica in his Dubuque, Iowa basement, confident that children young and old would embrace toys created with exacting attention to durability and detail. Today, The Ertl Company, under the direction of Fred Ertl, Jr., is a multi-faceted producer of not only farm toys, but model kits and die cast collectibles.

Toy Fair 2000 runs from February 13 - 17 in New York City. The event, where Over 2,000 manufacturers, distributors, importers and sales agents from 25 countries showcase their toy and entertainment products for the year, is not open to the general public.

Raving Toy Maniac will be on hand covering the event live.

[Updated 12-23-99]

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