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Palisades Marketing Update for 2000

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tiamatad.jpg - 15302 Bytespalisadeslogo.gif - 6950 BytesPalisades Marketing has a lot of cool things in its line up for 2000. One such item is the Bahamut variant, Tiamat, that will be offered jointly by ToyFare Magazine and Palisades Marketing. Tiamat is a monster character from the Final Fantasy VIII game that looks like Bahamut (who is, of course, in the second assortment of Final Fantasy VIII action figures due out in 2000 from Palisades as well). This creature will sell for a suggested retail price of $24.99 and should be available in the Spring.

Furthermore, Palisades has announced that they will have figures for a new Squaresoft game called Front Mission 3. The figures themselves are nearing completion but haven't gone through the entire approval process. When everything is cleared, we will show you the line right here!

Finally, there is a new poly-resin statue from the Final Fantasy series. This nifty little collectible features Siefer Almasy whacking away at Odin's gigantic noggin. The detail is truly stunning and the piece was sculpted by the legendary Japanese artist Takeya. Look for this piece in the Spring as well with a suggested retail price of $195.00.

When we spoke with Palisades' President Mike Horn, he also tipped us off that there are big things in store for the Palisades Marketing web site in the new year. We can't reveal any secrets just yet, but suffice it to say, Palisades' site sounds like any even cooler place to visit in 2000. But don't wait for the new milennium to check them out. Visit the currently cool Palisades Marketing web site at http://www.palisadesmarketing.com

Be sure to add this to your bookmarks because we know you'll want to visit this site regularly come 2000!

[Updated 12-29-99]

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