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Daredevil: Death Of Elektra Statue

daredevil and elektra

From Frank Miller's original and classic Daredevil run, Dynamic Forces presents the moment of Daredevil's greatest loss, the Death of Elektra Statue. Sculpted and painted by Martin Canale and based on designs by Greg Horn, the detail in this statue (presented in the format of a diorama) is unmatched by any statue available elsewhere!

Limited to only 1982 production units worldwide (the year Elektra shuffled off this mortal coil at the hands of the killer Bullseye), the Daredevil: Death of Elektra Statue features the Man without Fear, surrounded by the haunting burial ground, hunched in despair at the grave of his lover as the spirit of Elektra rises from the ground and ascends into the ether!

Measuring 11" wide and standing almost 10" tall, the Daredevil: Death of Elektra statue is the first of this collectible series of "diorama" statues from Dynamic Forces and with the strict limitation of 1982 units, is destined for otherworldly greatness (and a sell-out)!

$189.99 Suggested Retail Price. This Limited Edition Diorama is limited to ONLY 1,982 in the world! NOTICE: THE DAREDEVIL/ELEKTRA DIORAMA IS SCHEDULED TO SHIP IN SEPTEMBER OF '02!

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