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Martha Washington Bust

Martha Washington bust

Martha Washington was an average girl with no future. Plucked out of the projects, and placed in the military, Martha ended up becoming anything but average -� she became the ultimate fighting machine! She also saved the world a few times over. Not a bad career move.

Writer Frank Miller and artist Dave Gibbons originally created Martha Washington and set her against formidable odds in their awesome collaborations. Now, Dynamic Forces presents the Martha Washington Bust!

Based on those original designs by Dave Gibbons artwork, sculptor Martin Canale has captured the definitive "Martha Wants You" pose! The only Martha Washington bust to be released from Dynamic Forces this year, we will be strictly limiting production to 1994 units, the first Martha Washington mini-series was first released.

$59.99 Suggested Retail Price. This Limited Edition Bust is limited to ONLY 1994 in the world! NOTICE: THE MARTHA WASHINGTON BUST IS SCHEDULED TO SHIP IN SEPTEMBER OF '02!

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