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The Crow: Bronze Painted Bust

crow bust

Dynamic Forces - Standing 6" tall, this amazingly sculpted, detailed and painted bust depicts the Crow, with his feathered spirit-guide atop his shoulder, overlooking the two tombstones that have forever shaped his life - the tombstones of himself and beloved Shelly.

But we told you that already when we offered our first edition of the awesome Crow Bust. That edition is now SOLD-OUT (and has been allocated, so hopefully you got yours), so to make sure that the Crow fans out there get their fill, we're proud to offer this brand-new edition featuring a Bronze painted finish while keeping the face of Brandon Lee a ghostly white!

The detail on this bust is truly amazing, with the very bullet holes that ended Draven's mortal life, captured in vivid and painful detail. Designed, sculpted and colored by Martin Canale, this piece will be strictly limited to 499 production units world-wide! $69.99 Suggested Retail Price. This Limited Edition Bust is limited to ONLY 499 in the world! NOTICE: THE CROW: BRONZE PAINTED BUST IS SCHEDULED TO SHIP IN SEPTEMBER OF '02!

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