Fireside Chat with Diamond Select

April 24, 2002 - We had a chance to chat with Diamond Select Toys (DST) this week to get some updates on the various products planned for this year. We spoke with Eric Lyga - here's a look at what we covered.
Marvel Busts DST has a three year license with Marvel for the busts and statues (starting in late 2001). The license includes all characters in the Marvel Universe (the comics Marvel Universe). The reason for the Ultimate busts is twofold - first to set these apart from many of the other busts on the market, and second due to the popularity of the Ultimate series of comics from Marvel. DST is already moving into non-ultimate busts with the Rogue's Gallery of Sandman, Lizard, Kraven and eventually Venom (all sculpted by Art Asylum).
Marvel Select Work continues with the Marvel Select figures. The first six are in development, and the first three (Spider-Man, Punisher and Elektra) are coming along. One of the things they are working on is to make sure the extras for the stand and display are looking good. DST has a deal for the Marvel Knights and Ultimates for Marvel Select, but the possibility exists to deviate from it based on what Marvel will allow and what gets approved by Toy Biz. There are several figures planned that aren't in the Knights or Ultimate books and one of them should be revealed soon, and it is a figure that fans have been requesting. The Marvel Select line will eventually be 36 figures and they'll be released one a month once the line gets going. A very important point with that is that DST guarantees the delivery dates to customers, so if they say it'll be out it in a certain month it will be there. You might need to ask your local shop if you don't see it, but DST stands by their delivery dates.
Peter Cottontail Even with a slightly late release (slightly before Easter) the line has done well, and there is interest in some of the variant figures shown at Toy Fair. Janitor Irontail and Independence Day Peter are likely to be released by next year, though this is not confirmed yet. Don't forget that if you want to get stickers for your Peter Cottontail figures they are available at the DST website. They make a huge difference in how these look carded and it's well worth getting them.