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Moore Action Update: Futurama and Buffy 2

mac_futurama.jpg - 12564 BytesRaving Toy Maniac spoke with Moore Action Collectibles today to clear up some of the rumors that have been propogating online in recent weeks concerning upcoming MAC releases.

MAC is, indeed, coming out with an action figure line based on Matt Groening's Futurama series. This deal is extremely recent, and work has just begun on the line. MAC hasn't decided as of yet whether to release the line through the mass market, or just through specialty stores like their previous releases.

Just which Futurama characters will make the cut is still up in the air at this time.
buffy2_group.jpg - 10763 BytesBuffy the Vampire Slayer series 2 is also in the works. The second lineup will consist of 6 figures, making this the largest assortment yet from Moore Action Collectibles.

The lineup consists of Buffy, Cordelia, Oz, Giles and Xander for sure with Spike being the most likely contender for the 6th spot in the assortment. This could change, of course.

MAC also has announced that the recently solicited Kabuki action figure (based on the David Mack comic series, published by Image) will have 2 variants: War Torn Kabuki (likely a battle damaged version) and Doppleganger Kabuki.

Stay tuned for RTM's upcoming coverage of Moore Action Collectibles Toy Fair showroom next month!

[Updated 1-05-2000]

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