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Spin Master Vet Promoted

May 7, 2002 - Toronto, ON - Spin Master Toys is proud to announce that Adam Beder has been promoted to the position of Vice-President of Licensing.

Beder has been with Spin Master for nearly six years and in that time has been responsible for creating both the public relations/promotions department and the licensing department. His work in managing the public relations/promotions department was a powerful instrument in the company's early growth. Beder was then asked to start-up the licensing department, and since has acquired the rights to over 50 prominent properties which significantly enhanced many of Spin Master's core brands like: Air Hogs, Metal Maxx, Shrinky Dinks, a registered trademark of K&B Innovations.

"We are extremely pleased with the job Adam has done since developing the department nearly two years ago," says Ronnen Harary, CEO of Spin Master. "We have been very successful in this department and we look forward to continued growth from this area of the company."

Spin Master develops, manufactures, markets and distributes its own toy products around the world. Diligent Product Development and Powerhouse Marketing Strategies have created a worldwide reputation for Great Products. Highly recognized for its Creative Vision, Spin Master is one of the fastest growing toy companies in the world. The company has several well-known brands including, AIR HOGS™, FLICK TRIX™, E-CHARGERS™, METAL MAXX™ and SHRINKY DINKS a registered trademark of K&B Innovations Inc.

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