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Todd McFarlane Receives Second Grammy Nod

todd_sm.jpg - 4069 Bytesgrammy.jpg - 6003 BytesProducer/Director Todd McFarlane yesterday received his second GRAMMY nomination for "Best Short Form Music Video" for Korn's "Freak on a Leash," the animated video he directed. Terry Fitzgerald, president of Los Angeles-based Todd McFarlane Entertainment (TME), produced the project,and was also nominated in the 42nd Annual GRAMMY Awards, released Jan. 4.

The nominations mark the sixth major recognition in the last 12 months for McFarlane/TME projects. In 1999, McFarlane received a GRAMMY nomination in the same category for Pearl Jam's "Do The Evolution" music video. He also received two MTV Video Music Awards for the Korn project, and an Emmy for"Todd McFarlane's Spawn" HBO animated series. Additionally, the Korn video was nominated for "Best International Video" by Canada's Much MusicTelevision and was just named "music video of the year" in Spin Magazine's Readers Poll.

"A GRAMMY nomination on my first video was pretty amazing, something I took some heat for," McFarlane said. "But receiving a nomination for my second project, combined with the two VMAs, is really cool, and a testament to the hard work of Korn and everyone involved in making this video."Korn's mini-movie style video is an unprecedented combination of band performance footage, McFarlane animation, and conceptual footage shot by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. This video combines 50 percent animation and 50 percent live action.

The GRAMMY is presented annually by the Recording Academy's voting membership to honor excellence in the recording arts and sciences. It is truly a peer honor, awarded by and to artists and technical professionals for artistic or technical achievement, not sales or chart positions. The 42nd Annual GRAMMY Awards Show will be held at the new Staples Center in Los Angeles on Wednesday, Feb. 23, and will be broadcast live on CBS to an international viewing audience of 1.7 billion people.

[Updated 1-06-2000]

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