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McFarlane Toys To Go Where The Wild Things Are

wildthingscvr.jpg - 10362 BytesFor awhile now there's been rumblings in the toy industry that McFarlane Toys was getting interested in pursuing properties that would appeal to a younger audience then they generally have been targeting.

McFarlane Toys has found the perfect license that fits seemlessly into what they been best known for in the past, and where they want to expand into in the future: Where The Wild Things Are.

Anyone who is a kid, or ever has been a kid, knows the classic book by Maurice Sendak. Where the Wild Things Are tells the tale of young Max, sent to bed without his supper for being mischievous. Max, angry at his punishment, sets sail to the imaginary land of the Wild Things.

McFarlane Toys is planning a line of action figures based on the book. The lineup hasn't been decided upon yet, but more information should be available from Toy Fair.

[Updated 1-06-2000]

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