HAWKMAN POSTER Painted art by Andrew Robinson Advance-solicited; in stores September 25. Winging his way back into his own monthly title, Hawkman is taking not only to the skies, but to your walls as well! Featuring the painted art by Andrew Robinson from the cover of the best-selling HAWKMAN #1, this full-color, 24" x 36" poster is a breathtaking celebration of the Winged Wonder and the joy of flight. $7.95.

GREEN ARROW POSTER Painted art by Matt Wagner Advance-solicited; in stores September 25. Green Arrow is back! The hugely successful and acclaimed GREEN ARROW monthly series has now spawned a 24" x 36" poster! This poster features the painted art by Matt Wagner that graced the cover of the GREEN ARROW: QUIVER hardcover (collecting the story arc that brought Green Arrow Oliver Queen back from the dead and firmly into the heart of the DC Universe). $7.95.

THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN OVERSIZED POSTER Art by Frank Miller Advance-solicited; in stores September 25. The Dark Knight returns... this time, for good - as a stunning new oversized poster! In celebration of THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES BACK, the long-awaited sequel to the classic Frank Miller tale, THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, comes this gigantic poster - featuring the art by Frank Miller & Lynn Varley that originally appeared on the DK2 promotional poster. Now you can own this image of the Dark Knight and his sidekick Catgirl, which measures a whoppin' 24" x 59 1/2". Poster $19.95.