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Hamilton Toys To Produce Rocky & Bullwinkle Dolls

rblogo.jpg - 7151 Bytesrocky_cast.jpg - 7005 BytesRetrospettiva has announced that Hamilton Toys LLC, a subsidiary of the Company, will attend several major Toy Shows to introduce its line of dolls based on the Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle motion picture.

These shows include Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair 2000 (Jan. 10-13), Dallas International Toy Import Show (Jan. 22-28) and American International Toy Fair in New York (Feb. 13-17).

The company has acquired licenses from Universal Pictures to manufacture the characters of Boris, Natasha and the Fearless Leader from the upcoming movie Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle.

The movie is scheduled to be released in the summer of 2000 starring 2-time Academy Award-winner Robert DeNiro (Raging Bull, Godfather Part II) as the Fearless Leader, Jason Alexander (TV's Seinfeld) as Boris Badenov, and Rene Russo (Get Shorty, Lethal Weapon 3 and 4, Thomas Crown Affair) as Natasha Fatale.

Retrospettiva plans to market these dolls to major retail stores including: Toys R Us , Wal-Mart, May Stores, Aims Stores, Kmart, Sears, CVS Corp., FAO Schwarz, Costco Wholesale Corp., J.C. Penney Co. Inc., Amazon.com, eToys.

SOURCE:Yahoo! News

[Updated 1-12-2000]

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