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Pictures from E3 2002

Dirk & Daphne from Dragon's Lair
click for more pictures

July 3, 2002 - So, we're sitting around, flipping through the August 2002 issue of Computer Gaming World (Neverwinter Nights elf cover, rrrow!) and chuckling over some of their witty comments in their E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) coverage.

As one of us reads a sidebar to the other, a lightbulb flickers on above both our heads... One of us didn't have the attention span to post RTM's E3 pictures, and the other one forgot to sufficiently nag the first one to post RTM's E3 pictures.

And by "RTM's E3 pictures," we mean "25 pictures from E3 taken by a toy company cool enough to share them with us and not mind that one of us has the attention span of a gnat."

Chris and Ivan from AnJon, Inc., attended E3 in May, and snapped the shot you see above, plus 24 others which are just as interesting to anyone who plays PC or console games.

So for today, let's all pretend that RTM is a print magazine which, like Computer Gaming World, is published monthly and would only just now be putting out E3 information. Go have a look at the image gallery, and be sure to thank Chris and Ivan for every smile on the page. (Thanks, guys!)

2002 Electronic Entertainment Expo

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