July 23, 2002 - The evening of July 31 will see DC Comics' staff and creators greeting fans and retailers in the big booth at Comic-Con International: San Diego 2002, led by President & Publisher Paul Levitz. This year, DC's participation in Comic-Con is highlighted by more than 20 panels that cover developments from every DC imprint and beyond.
DC editorial staffers attending the show include Karen Berger, VP - Executive Editor, VERTIGO; Mike Carlin, VP - Executive Editor, DC Universe; Dan DiDio, VP - Editorial; Jim Lee, Editorial Director - WildStorm; Scott Dunbier, Group Editor, WildStorm; Andy Helfer, Group Editor; Dan Raspler, Group Editor; Bob Schreck, Group Editor; Eddie Berganza, Senior Editor; Dale Crain, Senior Editor, Collected Editions; Jeff Mariotte, Senior Editor; Ben Abernathy, Editor; Joey Cavalieri, Editor; Will Dennis, Editor; and Mark Chiarello, Editorial Art Director.
DC's sponsored guests include Eisner-Award winning writer Brian Azzarello (100 BULLETS, BATMAN/DEATHBLOW), writer Ed Brubaker (BATMAN, POINT BLANK), DC DIRECT sculptor Tim Bruckner, Eisner-Award nominated writer Mike Carey (LUCIFER, HELLBLAZER), penciller Yvel Guichet (JLA, AQUAMAN), writer Joe Kelly (JLA, ACTION COMICS), penciller Doug Mahnke (JLA), penciller Scott McDaniel (BATMAN, NIGHTWING), penciller Carlos Pacheco (JLA/JSA: VIRTUE AND VICE), penciller Whilce Portacio (STORMWATCH: TEAM ACHILLES), Eisner-Award winning artist Eduardo Risso (100 BULLETS), and writer Bill Willingham (FABLES). As usual, visitors to the DC booth can expect to find numerous surprise guests as well.
The Direct Sales staff looks forward to spending time with retailers in San Diego, with Bob Wayne, VP - Direct Sales, hosting a special editorial slide presentation and Q&A session for retailers only on Friday. The department also will be represented there by Patty Jeres, Director - Sales & Marketing Communications; Fletcher Chu-Fong, Manager - Events & Retailer Services; Matt Keller, Manager - Marketing Services; Vince Letterio, Manager - Direct Sales; Adam Philips, Manager - Marketing Communications; Jann Jones, Representative - Direct Sales; and Anne Rogers, Representative, Events & Retailer Services.
Other DC personnel on hand include Richard Bruning, VP - Creative Director; Georg Brewer, VP - Design & Retail Product Development; Terri Cunningham, VP - Managing Editor; John Nee, VP - Business Development; Jack Mahan, Director - Editorial Administration; Peggy Burns, Publicity Manager; Christine Napolitano, Purchasing Manager - Retail Products; Ron Perazza, Manager - Creative Services, and Dorothy Crouch, DC consultant.
As always, DC will host a wide range of programming at the convention, including:
Thursday, August 1
12:00-1:00 THE DC COMICS TALENT SEARCH ORIENTATION SESSION The never-ending quest for the best and brightest new talent continues, as DC staff members outline the requirements for joining the ranks of DC Comics freelancers. In order to schedule a portfolio review, attendance at this orientation session is mandatory - though not all attendees are guaranteed a review. A limited number of review tickets will be distributed after the presentation.
1:30-2:30 THE ART OF THE COVER Renowned cover artists Dave Johnson, Jim Lee, Adam Hughes, Kevin Nowlan, John Romita Jr. and others are joined by DC Editorial Art Director Mark Chiarello for a special discussion on the art of creating great covers.
2:30-3:30 SPOTLIGHT: WHILCE PORTACIO One of WildStorm's signature titles returns with STORMWATCH: TEAM ACHILLES #1, stunningly pencilled and colored by Whilce Portacio. Now, join this fan-favorite artist for a look at his career and a Q&A session. With WildStorm Editorial Director Jim Lee.
3:30-4:30 SPOTLIGHT: MIKE CAREY Join Eisner-Award nominated writer Mike Carey, (LUCIFER, SANDMAN PRESENTS, HELLBLAZER) for a look at his creative process and a Q&A session. With VP - Executive Editor, VERTIGO Karen Berger.
4:30-5:30 JLA/JSA: THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPER-TEAMS! Between the adventure of their ongoing titles and special projects including the upcoming JLA/JSA: VIRTUE AND VICE graphic novel, the JLA and JSA are working overtime to live up to their collective nickname: The World's Greatest Super-Heroes. Find out what's cooking for these teams with Group Editor Dan Raspler, writers Geoff Johns, Joe Kelly and Kurt Busiek, artists Carlos Pacheco and Doug Mahnke, and more.
5:30-7:00 WILDSTORM 10th ANNIVERSARY EDITORIAL PRESENTATION Everyone's talking about the projects coming from WildStorm Productions - including the CLIFFHANGER, HOMAGE and AMERICA'S BEST COMICS lines, as well as the new mature-readers line EYE OF THE STORM! WildStorm Editorial Director Jim Lee, and Group Editor Scott Dunbier are joined by writers Joe Casey, Ed Brubaker and Kurt Busiek, writer/inker Jimmy Palmiotti, artists J.H. Williams III, Carlos Pacheco, and Whilce Portacio, and others. Plus: A very limited number of copies of THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN Volume II #1 - signed by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill - will be given away during a special trivia quiz!
1:30-2:30 THE DC UNIVERSE: RACING INTO TOMORROW! Major changes and epic storylines face comics' greatest super-heroes in 2002 and beyond. This slide presentation provides an advance look at new projects and surprises for the coming months with VP - Executive Editor, DCU Mike Carlin, writers Joe Kelly and Judd Winick, artist Scott McDaniel, and others. Moderated by DC's Director - Sales & Marketing Communications Patty Jeres.
3:30-4:30 100 BULLETS: SHOOTING FROM THE HIP Join the Eisner-Award winning team behind VERTIGO's hit series for a special Q&A session that promises looks at upcoming events in the lives of Mr. Graves and the rest of 100 BULLETS. With Editor Will Dennis, writer Brian Azzarello, artist Eduardo Risso, cover artist Dave Johnson, and colorist Patricia Mulvihill.
4:30-5:30 BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHT! Get up-to-the-minute details on the Dark Knight's doings in this special panel featuring Group Editor Bob Schreck, writers Ed Brubaker and Devin Grayson, artist Jim Lee, and others.
5:30-6:30 WILDSTORM: EYE OF THE STORM - IT'LL BLOW YOU AWAY The focus is on WildStorm's new mature readers line, Eye of the Storm, in this special panel that looks at AUTOMATIC KAFKA, POINT BLANK, SLEEPER, STORMWATCH: TEAM ACHILLES and more. With Group Editor Scott Dunbier and writers Joe Casey, Micah Ian Wright and Ed Brubaker, artist Whilce Portacio, and others.
Saturday, August 3
12:00-1:00 ONE ON ONE: JIM LEE AND JEPH LOEB The ultra-hot BATMAN team talks about the Dark Knight and their plans for the Guardians of Gotham City. Join them for this special one-on-one panel and Q&A session.
1:00-2:00 DC COLLECTED EDITIONS: WHAT'S NEW, WHAT'S NEXT This panel carries on in the spirit of DC Direct's popular brainstorming sessions, with discussion of upcoming Collected Editions' projects and discussion about what you think DC should consider collecting. With Senior Editor Dale Crain and VP - Sales & Marketing Bob Wayne.
2:30-4:00 EVOLVING VERTIGO Today's most innovative and challenging books are from VERTIGO, and this year there's an even more diverse array of intriguing new projects. This slide show features VP - Executive Editor, VERTIGO, Karen Berger, writers Mike Carey, Grant Morrison, Bill Willingham, and Brian Azzarello, artist Eduardo Risso, and more as they preview new books and events that will continue to sharpen the edge of VERTIGO.
4:00-5:00 WILDSTORM: WELCOME TO OUR UNIVERSES! Take an up-close look at the challenges and rewards of bringing characters, concepts and stories from other media into comics. With Senior Editor Jeff Mariotte, writers Ford Lytle Gilmore and Marv Wolfman, and science fiction novelist Kevin J. Anderson.
5:00-6:00 LEGACY OF THE SANDMAN Morpheus of the Endless may be gone, but his legacy lives on in exciting new projects that reflect the rich mythos and timeless themes of THE SANDMAN. With VP - Executive Editor, VERTIGO Karen Berger, writers Mike Carey and Bill Willingham, writer/artist Jill Thompson, and others.
6:00-7:00 SUPERMAN AND COMPANY Catch up with the Man of Tomorrow, his allies and enemies in this panel that includes looks at several exciting new projects. With Senior Editor Eddie Berganza, writers Joe Kelly, Mark Verheiden, and Mark Waid, and others.
Sunday, August 4
10:30-11:30 DC DIRECT BRAINSTORMING SESSION One of the most popular producers of comics-related paraphernalia, DC DIRECT continues to bring DC characters to life with its line of action figures, statues, posters, props, and much more. Join VP - Design & Retail Product Development Georg Brewer and sculptor Tim Bruckner for an interactive brainstorming session on the future of DC Direct. Your idea might even become the next DC Direct product!
11:30-12:30 SPOTLIGHT: TIM BRUCKNER One of DC Direct's most acclaimed talents, Tim Bruckner has sculpted numerous statues, snowglobes, action figures, and other items. Now, find out how he does it in this special spotlight and Q&A. With VP - Design & Retail Product Development Georg Brewer.
12:30-1:30 DCCOMICS.COM: INSIGHT INTO OUR SITE Now's your chance to let DC know what you like (or don't) about our new and improved site and what you would like to see. Technical expertise not required but definitely welcome! With Ron Perazza, Manager - Creative Services.
1:30-2:30 SPOTLIGHT: SCOTT McDANIEL One of comics' most dynamic talents, Scott McDaniel has illustrated acclaimed runs on NIGHTWING, BATMAN and other titles. Join him for a special spotlight as he prepares to take over as artist on SUPERMAN. With DCU Group Editor Bob Schreck.
For more information on the convention, go to http://www.comic-con.org/. We look forward to seeing you there!