1:6 Apache Helicopter Pilot
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August, 2002 - Action figure manufacturer bbi introduces the Apache helicopter pilot to its Elite Force Aviator series of modern military action heroes. This rendition of the pilot is faithfully represented and includes equipment exclusive to the brave Apache pilots.
Apache Helicopter and its Pilots
The Apache AH-64 is the Army's primary attack helicopter. Its principle mission being the destruction of targets using the Hellfire missile. This twin-engine, four-bladed helicopter has all weather capability and is equipped with Target Acquisition Designation Sights (TADS) and a Pilot Night Vision Sensor (PNVS) allowing its two-man crew to succeed in both day and night operations as well as handle adverse weather conditions. It was first used in 1989 during the U.S. military action in Panama. It was also put in to service during the Gulf War and has supported low intensity and peacekeeping operations in Turkey, Bosnia and Kosovo.
The Co-Pilot/Gunner (CPG) sits in the front seat. With his glare shield in the down position and his IHADSS (Integrated Helmet And Display Sub System) over his right eye, he can monitor critical flight information while looking out the window and away from the cockpit. The pilot in the back seat sits two feet higher than the CPG to allow for better visibility. From this vantage point, he can see the front windscreen, dashboard, mirror, emergency fire handles, and other important components of helicopter and potential targets.
For more information about these and other bbi action figures, visit the Blue Box Toys website at www.blueboxtoys.com
The Apache Helicopter pilot and other Elite Force Aviator figures are available through on-line e-tailers.
Suggested Retail: $39.99 Available: August Elite Force and bbi are registered trademarks of Blue Box Toys. ©2002 Blue Box Toys, all rights reserved