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The KB Toy Club

PITTSFIELD, Mass., Sept. 23 -- Just in time for the holidays, KB Toys, the nation's largest combined mall-based and online specialty toy retailer announces the introduction of the "KB Toy Club", a frequency program that rewards customers with a 20% discount after just 4 purchases of $25 or more! Available at all KB Toys, KB Toy Works, KB Toy Outlet and KB Toy Express stores, the KB Toy Club rewards any customer for making everyday purchases of toys, video software or video accessories.

"The KB Toy Club is one of several steps we are taking to place renewed emphasis on the customer experience," said Mark Scott, Executive Vice President of KB Toys. "Our customers have told us precisely what they want; an enjoyable shopping environment, competitive pricing and a great selection of hot toys, easy to shop video and exclusive products. The KB Toy Club is now another incentive for our customers to return to KB Toys and enjoy many benefits."

All KB Toys customers will be invited to join the KB Toy Club and there is no fee for membership. After presenting the KB Toy Club card with each purchase of $25 or more, the customer card is stamped by a KB Toys associate. When a customer collects 4 stamps, she receives a 20% discount on her next purchase. The KB Toy Club also enables KB Toy Club members to receive news of special sales, discounts and other KB Toy Club member benefits.

KB Toys is the nation's largest combined mall-based and online specialty toy retailer, operating more than 1,300 stores in all 50 states, the American Territory of Guam and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. KB Toys operates retail stores under the names KB Toys(R), KB Toy Works(R), KB Toy Outlet(TM), Toy Liquidators(R), KB Toy Express(R) and offers online shopping through KBtoys.com(TM) (http://www.kbtoys.com) and eToys(R) (http://www.etoys.com). KB Holdings, Inc., the parent corporation, is a privately held company headquartered in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

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