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WizKids Games Voted Hot Toys

SEATTLE -- Oct. 28, 2002 -- HeroClix, Mage Knight and MechWarrior: Dark Age were each named among the top 10 collectibles expected to be best sellers by leading retailers nationwide.

The survey was conducted by PlayDate, a privately owned, independent marketing services company, tracking the toy and game industries in the United States. The PlayDate Best Seller List includes results from an annual survey polling the nation's top retailers for predictions of the best-selling toys and games for the year's holiday shopping season. WizKids, LLC is the only company placing more than one game in the top ten collectibles category.

"We are thrilled to have been recognized by retailers all over the nation as having four of the best selling games for the upcoming holiday season," said WizKids, founder and CEO Jordan Weisman. "In the last two years, our games have grown tremendously in popularity and it is nice to be included in a best selling game list with some of the biggest manufacturers in our sector of gaming."

In time for the holiday season, WizKids will release an expansion to its HeroClix game this November called Marvel HeroClix: Clobberin Time.

About WizKids, LLC

Founded by veteran game designer, Jordan Weisman, WizKids is an award winning Seattle-based game developer and publisher dedicated to creating a new genre of miniature games that is at once more accessible and more sophisticated than traditional fantasy adventure genres. For additional company information, visit the corporate Web site at www.wizkidsgames.com.

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