New Arrivals at Big Bad Toy Store
 November 18, 2002 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items in stock and new Transformers available for pre-order:
BIG TAKARA NEWS: Takara has just announced they will re-issue Sideswipe and Optimus Prime in the very popular book style collector boxes - Sideswipe will be #07 and Optimus #08. Optimus will include a bonus Energy Axe weapon. Act 9 Armada PVCs and Mega PVC Armada Megatron & Optimus prime have also been announced. We have put up pre-orders for all these items. Takara will produce more of the normal Mega PVC Megatron for release in February and we've put up a pre-order for those as well. Mega PVC Starscream has been pushed back to February.
JAPANESE / KOREAN BEAST WARS: Some very hard to find Japanese Beast Wars figures are now in stock in Korean boxes. Big Convoy, Gigastorm (trypticon), Megastorm, Starscream & BB, Galvatron, Autostinger, Autolauncher, Autojetter and Autocrusher are all in stock. These figures were produced by Takara for the Korean market and are exactly the same as the Japanese figures in design, size, and quality. They are also much cheaper than the Japanese versions!
MICRONAUTS: We have received the Series 1 Micronauts from Palisades - Baron Karza, Series 1 Cases of 16 and sets of 4 are all in stock on the Palisades menu.
12" TALISAC - TORTURED SOULS: Now available for $32.99 on the Spawn Menu. Tortured Souls 2 sets will most likely be available by mid December.