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ReSaurus Street Fighter Update: SF Junior and Player 3?

sf3_blanka.jpg - 13385 Bytessf3_ken.jpg - 12866 BytesHere's a treat for all you Street Fighter fans! ReSaurus is going to be showing new Street Fighter: "Player 3" paint variants at Toy Fair for tentative release. At this time the paint schemes are not finalized and could change. ReSaurus is letting RTM show you 2 of the new variants that they plan to produce: Ken in white uniform, and yellow Blanka with blue hair.

The release and final colors will be determined once retailer response is in. It seems likely at this point that the Player 3 versions will be an exclusive item for a particular store. Just which retailer remains to be seen.

Stay tuned for more on these repaint editions once Toy Fair time is here!
ReSaurus also gave us a look at the carded Street Fighter Jr. figures (shown below). These little beauties are shipping to stores now, and should start showing up on toy store shelves in a few weeks. The Street Fighter Jr. figures stand roughly 3-3/4" tall (around the same size as ReSaurus' Sonic Adventure figures)

The first assortment of Street Fighter Jr. features Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li and Akuma. ReSaurus plans on showing a second assortment of Street Fighter Jr. at Toy Fair. We had an opportunity to see these new figures and they're even cooler than the first series. You'll have to wait until our Toy Fair coverage to see those, however.

[Update 2/04/2000]

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