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LOTR Two Towers Figures Asst 4

December 5, 2002 - The Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers is due out in theaters in the US on December 18th, and more action figures for the film are due out in 2003. Below are images of Assortment IV from Toy Biz, these figures will be released in July 2003:
  • Helm's Deep Legolas with Convertible Shield
  • Sam in Mordor with Wall Mountable Boulder & Rope-Climbing Action
  • Armored King Theoden with Sword-Attack Action
  • Gollum with Electronic Sound Rock Base (not pictured)
  • Boromir with Battle Attack Action (not pictured)
  • Gimli with Axe-Throwing Action
  • Twilight Frodo with Sword Slashing Action

The image of Gollum will be posted on December 19th, after the film opens.



King Theoden


Twilight Frodo

For more information on other figures from The Two Towers, please read our coverage of the other figures in the RTM Spotlights below:

Assortment One Action Figures

Assortment Two Action Figures

Action Figure Two-packs

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