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Toon Station Rogue Bust

rogue bust

December 6, 2002, Runnemede, NJ � Previously available only from Toon Station, this 8" Bust presents the X-Men's resident southern belle � Rogue!

Standing almost 9" tall, atop an "X" base, Rogue was designed by Juan Bobillo, sculpted by Pablo Viggiano and painted by Martin Canale! Limited to just 1,000 production units in the world, this is a guaranteed sell-out, so don't wait for eBay's high prices, order yours TODAY at the $129.99 Suggested Retail Price.


Scheduled to ship in February 2003.

For more information on Dynamic Forces specialty merchandise, product art, exclusive creator interviews and upcoming releases � including more Marvel merchandise, please visit the Dynamic Forces website at www.dynamicforces.com.

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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