Two Towers Gollum Action Figure
 December 19, 2002 - Included in Assortment IV of Toy Biz's Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers action figure series is Gollum, whose prototype is shown above. Gollum comes with an Electronic Sound Rock Base.
Assortment IV is due in stores in July 2003, and also includes Helm's Deep Legolas, Sam in Mordor, Armored King Theoden, Boromir, Gimli, and Twilight Frodo. (Pictures of assortment IV)
Assortments III and V are due in stores in February 2003. Assortment III (see pictures) includes Aragorn, Galadriel, Frodo, Twilight Ringwraith, and Prolog Elf Warrior. Assortment IV (see pictures) includes Berserker Urk-Hai, Ugluk, Grishnakh, Ringwraith, and Moria Orc.
For information on other figures from The Two Towers, please read our coverage of the other figures in the RTM Spotlights below: Assortment One Action Figures - Legolas, Faramir, Gandalf the White, Gondorian Ranger, and the Easterling.
Assortment Two Action Figures - Saruman, Theoden, Eomer, Grima Wormtongue, Rohirrim Soldier, and Aragorn.
Action Figure Two-packs - Elven Archer, Berserker, Grishnakh, Merry, Pippin, and Ugluk.
For even more information, check our Lord of the Rings links page. 