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Playmind: New Company Launches

December 2002 - Welcome to the space between your ears, PLAYMIND!

PLAYMIND is a new company on the pillars of innovation and dynamism. Our line of toys promises to treat retailers and kids equally well, creating smiles at an unprecedented rate! The PLAYMIND strategy focuses on applying creative designs to innovative toy concepts. Our goal is to provide quality through fun new play patterns instead of just using licenses to push sales.

"The bottom line is creating dynamic and innovative toys that are still exciting once the box is long gone." - Vincent Thai, PLAYMIND President

TITANIUM: Partial-Die cast + 26-points of articulation + Cool themes = Awesome Action Figures

PLAYMIND's nascent offering is lead by the TITANIUM line of partial die-cast Ultra-Pose able Figures. The TITANIUMS jive this way and that with their awesome 26-points of articulation or hang tough with their die-cast body parts, posing on their unique themed display platforms. The Titanium acts as a highly versatile unpainted canvas, to which almost any subject matter can be adapted. Each assortment comes equipped with multiple pieces of authentic gear. The Titanium is then transformed via these accessories to capture the essence of the subject matter, be it soldier, rocker, or extreme sport maven. Constantly changing and never the same, the Titanium will always be at the front line of social trends and play things. This line will roll out the freshest urban crew to hit the street since Grand Master Flash, an apocalyptic militia armed with more heavy artillery than all of Schwarzenegger's movies put together, and the world's most gruesome rock and roll band... and many more to come! In short, we have created the playmobil of the 21st Century, for 21st Century kids and collectors.

Standing on its own merits as an amazing play thing instead of licenses, TITANIUM is the future of action figures. The die-cast body parts, 26 points of articulation and lots of accessories mean each TITANIUM crew is versatile, looks fresh, and is equipped to "keep it real... yo!"

Step into the space between your ears, PLAYMIND at the Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair and the American International Toy Fair 2003.

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