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Kia Asamiya Goes Mainstream

dark angel cover

New York, NY (January 30, 2003) � Manga Artist Kia Asamiya, already well-known to American manga fans for his work on such Central Park Media released epics as Dark Angel and Nadesico, has recently come to the attention of mainstream American comic book fans for his work on Marvel Comic's Uncanny X-Men and the upcoming DC Comic's graphic novel release Batman: Child of Dreams.

According to Sam Napolitano, Director of Sales for Central Park Media, "Nadesico and Dark Angel have always been popular titles with our core customer base. We have recently seen an increase in sales for both graphic novel series, which we attribute to Kia Asamiya's growing popularity among the American fan base."


Nadesico is a comedic, sci-fi space opera featuring a rag tag crew consisting of a child prodigy, hard-core anime fans, and high school sweethearts. There is trouble in the outer solar system and it's up to the crew of the space battleship Nadesico to kick some butt!

Dark Angel

Dark Angel is Kia Asamiya's epic sword and sorcery masterwork about a young inexperienced warrior named Dark that has to come to terms with his destiny as a guardian of the world.

Central Park Media has been a leading supplier of anime in the United States since 1990. The company currently manufactures and distributes three home entertainment lines, each offering anime product for a distinct and discriminating audience: U. S. Manga Corps, Central Park Media and Software Sculptors. With exclusive rights to hundreds of book, video and music products, the company has become a leader in integrated media, as well as a leading publisher of manga, the fastest growing category in the publishing business. In addition, the company also distributes a broad array of live action Japanese feature films under its Asia Pulp Cinema label.

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