Phoenix, Arizona, March 24th -- H.G. Martin, freelance writer and long-time lurker at the RTM Buzz Board is self-publishing his first novel, Doctor Diablo. The novel is now available in trade paperback and several e-book formats, right here.
"Doctor Diablo is the story of the world's greatest super villain, a charming, arrogant genius with wealth, good looks, and a playboy-bachelor lifestyle that any guy would envy," says author Martin. "His life is incredible until he gets on the bad side of a super-powered murderer and gang-lord, named The Crusher, who will stop at nothing to ensure that Diablo dies an excruciating, grisly death."
Martin plans to advertise and sell trade paperback copies of Doctor Diablo at the San Diego ComicCon this year, from July 17th through the 20th. If you're fortunate enough to be attending that event, stop by and say hello.