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Series 2 & 3 Marvel MiniMates

Marvel MiniMates
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April 2003 - A Diamond Select release! Diamond Select and the inmates of the Art Asylum join forces once again to bring you MiniMates madness, Marvel-style. That's right, True Believers, Marvel MiniMates are back, bringing some of your favorite Marvel Comics characters to the cool and collectible world of building block-style figures.

The next two series will each feature three different MiniMates two-packs featuring two of Marvel's classic characters.

Series 2 will include: Spider-Man & Carnage, Spider-Man/Peter Parker & Green Goblin, and Battle-Damaged Spider-Man & Venom.

Series 3 will include Ultimate Wolverine & Sabretooth, Ultimate Cyclops & Jean Grey, and Ultimate Logan & Storm.

Sharp collectors will want to snare a copy of a chase figure as well, packed one per case. What is it? You'll just have to wait and see!

Each figure measures approximately 2.5 inches tall and features 14 points of articulation. Look for more series of Marvel MiniMates throughout 2003. Blister card packaging.

In stores in July 2003, for around $6.99 USD per 2-pack.

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