Dr. Toy's Best Classic Toys of 2003
 Dr. Toy Selects Best Classic Toys for 2003 San Francisco - May 2, 2003 - You can count on classic toys. These are the long lasting toys that "keep on playing" long after the batteries and latest fads are gone.
Where do you turn for a selection that provides a timeless, fun experience that will hold your child's interest?
It's time to turn back the clock! Look for toys that have remained valued playthings since they were first introduced ten or more years ago. These are the lasting favorites of all children who have played with them.
The toys that with the passing of time have become true classics are often overlooked in the rush to get the "hot" new toys. Often great playthings may not reach youngsters who can benefit from playing with them.
Parents need to balance their children's play experiences. They need to be reminded that the classic, and beneficial toys are still around. Quickly parents and grandparents will recall the fun they had with these same classic toys.
Stevanne Auerbach, Ph.D., known as Dr. Toy, has been tracking trends in the toy business for more than 25 years. In her just released "Best Classic Products for 2003" she has searched across the entire toy industry for the classic toys that fit the criteria for fun and high play value.
Dr. Toy says, "Classic Toys are enduring and have many benefits. They encourage the child's involvement and are child-powered."
A wide-variety of selections is included among this year's winners. The list reflects toys that Dr. Toy says are perfect for all ages and interests from baby to older children, from low to high tech, and from nature to nurture.
She recalls some favorite playthings in many family toy chests including (her favorite) Jacks and ball, Jump rope, Paper dolls, Pick-Up Sticks, and Marbles. Certainly anyone who has ever tried a Hula-Hoop still finds it fun to swirl one of the colorful plastic hoops anytime, for exercise, stress reduction and amusement!
"Classic toys," Dr. Toy says, reflecting back to her own youth, "are toys you return to from your own childhood like the shiny, durable Radio Flyer red wagon, scooter or tricycle. Many parents want to introduce their child to that special Yo-Yo, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, Etch-A-Sketch, teddy bear, or first Lionel or LGB electric train. Classics are basics that never go out of style."
Dr. Toy carefully surveys the toy marketplace to select a wide-range of great classic toys. While Dr. Toy keeps abreast of new products she keeps her eye on the enduring qualities of the toys of yesteryear. The classic toys she has selected as winners have been available from ten to fifty years or more.
The winners of the annual classic toy search are included in "The Best Classic Toys for 2003 Report," available now on the free, popular, year-round, web-site that presents her award selections of products she evaluates for parents and teachers.
Dr. Toy's Guide provides all the information and includes photos, complete product descriptions, links to company sites and more consumer information.
If you are at a loss for an appropriate toy for the child in your life the suggestions found in the "Dr. Toy's Best Classic Toys Program of 2003" will help you more easily locate valuable products to introduce to your child. These toys have truly met the test of time. They have endured, entertained and satisfied children for many years, and will continue to do so for many years to come.
Dr. Auerbach's book, Toys for a Lifetime: Enhancing Childhood Through Play (Rizzoli), provides a close up of over 60 classic toys that you enjoyed. She is also the author of Dr. Toy's Smart Play: How to Raise a Child with a High P.Q.
If you wish to nominate a favorite classic toy for next year's selection of "Best Classic Toys", send your recommendation on a card now to: Dr. Toy, 268 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA 94104. For a free copy of the "Best Classic Toys for 2003," send with your nomination an SASE #10 business envelope.
You can explore Dr. Toy's web site (www.drtoy.com) to find out what all the excitement is about. Then make some of your own by selecting those products that most appeal to your child. Perhaps you will share the fun of a special classic toy with your child. You may recall the fun of that toy when you were little. If that's the case, you can enjoy carrying on a family tradition that spans several generations. Consider finding your favorite classic toy to enjoy. Many adults collect toys as a fun hobby. Besides adults do need more time to play. "More playtime for all!" is Dr. Toy's Rx for children and adults. For more details see www.drtoy.com.