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New Arrivals at Big Bad Toy Store

Big Bad Toy Store

April 13, 2003 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer BigBadToyStore.com has several new items of interest to collectors:

STAR WARS: We have restocked the recent Unleashed & Action Fleet items as well as the wave containing the new Boba Fett, R2-D2, Mace, Anakin, Darth Tyranus figures. Also back in stock is the Playskool Millenium Falcon Adventure and the X-Wing and Darth Maul Playskool sets.

ARMADA: Thrust, Sideswipe, 3 new Minicon sets, Supercon Optimus, Blurr, Jetfire, Galvatron, Street Speed & More Armada items are now in stock. Limited stock on the new figures, we will try to restock them quickly if they sell out.

GI JOE: Spytroops wave 2 has arrived - another great looking set of figures from Hasbro. The Spytroops single pack figures with mission discs are also in stock - each comes with a CD that has cartoon episodes and other cool features.

TOY BIZ: HULK, SPIDERMAN, MARVEL, X-MEN: A variety of cool Toy Biz items have just arrived. The next series of Hulk movie figures and a 13" Battle Action Hulk. Eight new Spider-Man Classic Figures, two X-men 2 13" Figures, Marvel Studios Daredevil (limited stock), Several Marvel Legends 1 figures and we still have quite a few figures from Two Towers.

TRANSFORMERS: The huge Devastator Bust is now in stock. Act 10 PVC has arrived and Act 9 PVC's are on sale. We have restocked Re-Issue Sideswipe and Sixbuilder - limited stock on both of them. Some Choro-Q items have also been restocked.

LIVING DEAD DOLLS: Series 5 of the very popular LDD Series has arrived, 5 figures and a bonus 'closed casket' 6th figure. The second series of LDD Minis is also in stock.

STIKFAS: We have restocked the Samurai & Fireman wave - available singly as well as in cases.

KINGDOM HEARTS: This great looking assortment of Disney based figures is now in stock - set of 12 figures (6 - two packs) for $79.99 on the Toycom Menu.

SPORTS PICKS: MLB Series 4 and the Detroit Red Wings 3-Pack have arrived. We have a few variants for Series 4 as well as the normal figures.


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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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