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Hot Wheels.Com Launches Re-designed Hot Wheels Racing Site

hw_nascarweb.jpg - 15404 BytesHotwheels.com announces the launch of the re-designed Hot Wheels Racing section featuring NASCAR and Grand Prix die-cast collectibles.

Hotwheels.com's new Racing section brings NASCAR and Grand Prix fans closer to the sport with the roll out of the exciting 2000 line of die-cast collectibles. The newly redesigned Hot Wheels Racing section features six distinct styles of NASCAR replicas including Crew's Choice, Select, Deluxe, Radical Rides, Special Editions and Trackside.

The new section not only highlights Hot Wheels extensive collection of die-cast vehicles from popular teams and drivers, it also offers fans the opportunity to submit comments on drivers, races, and products, as well as vote in polls and browse the online store. Hotwheels.com refreshes daily and weekly with:

The latest NASCAR racing news from That's Racin' Weekly race updates - taking you to trackside with your favorite drivers

In addition to the new Racing section, Hotwheels.com now features the Virtual Collection. This new section allows fans of 1:64 Mainline vehicles to download an exclusive, interactive screen saver for each purchase of a Virtual Collection vehicle. A secret code from the product packaging is required to get this revving, squealing, smoking screen saver onto the desktop.

Hotwheels.com will soon unveil an all-new Ferrari section featuring a top-of-the-line collection of contemporary and vintage Ferrari die-cast cars in 1:18 and 1:43 scale. Twenty-four individual styles spanning nearly 50 years of classic Ferrari design will be represented. In addition, the section will chronicle the history of each model and the evolutionary development of the Ferrari line.

Visit www.hotwheels.com to experience the new Hot Wheels Racing section.

[Updated 3/02/2000]

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