ToyFare Covers Toy Fair 2000
 Wish you could take RTM's Toy Fair 2000 coverage and stick it in your napsack (or briefcase)? Well, maybe someday when we're all assimilated into the Matrix and all our brains are linked together by computer, RTM will be with you wherever you go. Until then, why not opt to grab a copy of ToyFare #33, on newstands March 15th.This issue is packed with page after page of photos and tales of the staff's legendary adventures into the wilderness of Manhattan. READ! the ToyFare Top 25 toys of 2000 (see chart below)! MARVEL! as you read about their encounters with the mysterious "spokesmodels"! GASP! while calculating how much money you're going to spend this year on all these cool toys! ToyFare #33 also offers you an exclusive Action Toys red Alley Cat action figure with voodoo mask! Only 5,000 will be made.
And the results are in!- check out the results of the Toytanic Toy Tussle!
ToyFare Magazine's: The Hottest Toy Lines in 2000 | 1) Simpsons (Playmates) | 2) WWF (JAKKS) | 3) South Park (McFarlane Toys) | 4) Elite Forces (BBI-Blue Box) | 5) Sports Picks (McFarlane Toys) | 6) 3D Animation (McFarlane Toys) | 7) Harry Potter (Mattel) | 8) Gundam Wing (Bandai) | 9) Croc Hunter (N2 Toys) | 10) Pokemon (Hasbro) | 11) Ultima Online (McFarlane Toys) | 12) Dark Side Developer Kit (LEGO) | 13) Spawn Interlink (McFarlane Toys) | 14) VIP (Play Along) | 15) SNL (X Toys) | 16) Mcross Plus (ToyCom) | 17) Jackie Chan (Dragon-imported by Marco Polo Imports) | 18) WCW Talk Back (Toy Biz) | 19) Resident Evil (ToyCom importing; Moby Dick manufacturing) | 20) Jek Porkins from Star Wars: Power of the Force (Hasbro) | 21) Beatles (McFarlane Toys) | 22) The Matrix (N2 Toys) | 23) Britney Spears (Play Along/Yaboom) | 24) Donkey Kong (Toy Site) | 25) Rocky Horror Picture Show (Vital Toys) |
ToyFare: The Toy Magazine is the No. 1 toy publication in the United States and a monthly publication by Wizard Entertainment. It is geared towards the teenage/older action figure collector. To see how this list was determined, be sure to pick up ToyFare: The Toy Magazine No. 33 on sale in comic book stores on March 15th, and March 21, 2000 on newstands everywhere! [Updated 3/13/2000]