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More L!censing 2003 News

June 2003 - Ever wonder how certain television shows get action figures or bedsheets? Many times those deals are made at the annual L!censing Show, a trade show devoted to matching people who have brands with people who can make the products.

Here is the latest batch of news to come out of L!censing 2003 (June 10 to 12):

  • Babar the Elephant - new infant items
  • BBC - Fimbles, Tweenies, Teletubbies, Little Robots, Andy Pandy, FightBox, Cavegirl, Ace Lightning, and Doctor Who
  • DreamWorks - Shrek 2, Sharkslayer, etc.
  • Fox Kids Europe - Gadget and the Gadgetinis
  • Fox Kids Europe - Totally Spies!
  • Fox Kids Europe - What's With Andy?
  • Hasbro - GI Joe, Transformers, My Little Pony, Tonka, and Magic: the Gathering
  • Rubbadubbers - new series on Nick Jr., toys from Hasbro
  • Spider-Man - the movie and the MTV series
  • Warner Brothers Licensing Fact Sheet - Harry Potter, Scooby Doo, The Powerpuff Girls, The Matrix, The Polar Express, DC Comics, Justice League, Batman, Superman, ¡MUCHA LUCHA!, Dexter's Laboratory, Samurai Jack, and The Wizard of Oz
  • Warner Brothers - new Vice President and General Manager of Television Licensing appointed
  • Whac-A-Mole - electronic board game from Hasbro

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