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Jim Lee on eigoMANGA ANIME MIX

June 2003 - eigoMANGA, an independent comic book publishing company that produces a weekly San Francisco cable TV program called eigoMANGA ANIME MIX announces an exclusive and rare televised interview with world-renown comic book artist and creator Jim Lee.

Jim Lee is recognized in the industry for his innovative and visually striking artstyle that re-vitalized the X-Men comic book into the highest selling comic book franchise for over a decade. He is also recognized for helping create Image Comics that is one of the most successful comic book publishing companies today.

"It's a sincere honor to get the opportunity to meet an idol that I have been a fan of since I was twelve years old," claims Austin Osueke, correspondent for eigoMANGA ANIME MIX. "He's part of the reason why I got into comics and how eigoMANGA got started. It's neat telling that to him face to face."

Jim Lee was the keynote speaker and guest at WonderCon on in San Francisco on April 20, 2003. As in every convention, Jim Lee created large crowd of fans waiting in line for hours and he created a string of near riots when he voluntarily drew free artwork to his fans. He sat down with eigoMANGA ANIME MIX at the WonderCon to talk in detail, and personably about his marvelous career, the different business conditions of working at all three of the big comic book companies(Marvel, Image, and DC), his current project for the Batman comic book series, and many more issues.

"For someone who is a Michael Jordan of the comic book industry, he's one of the coolest and down-to-earth guys I've ever met. He's really laid back and so easy to talk to, comic book fans who watch the upcoming show will really see these traits and honesty out of him."

eigoMANGA ANIME MIX's interview with Jim Lee airs this Saturday the 14th 2:00 pm on cable channel 29 in San Francisco, CA. eigoMANGA ANIME MIX is a weekly anime music video and news program. Its aim is to depict the anime community in the US by doing televised does coverage at anime and comic book conventions and broadcasting anime mixed with today's music and covering the latest in anime news. For those who can not access eigoMANGA ANIME MIX, eigoMANGA's official website, eigoMANGA.com (http://www.eigoMANGA.com) will begin web-casting episodes on the website including Jim Lee's episode beginning June 20, 2003.

eigoMANGA is a comic book publishing company based in San Francisco, CA which publishes original manga (Japanese-influenced) comics created by American and international artists.

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