DC Direct: Relisted Items
PLASTIC MAN PEWTER FIGURE - relistIn stores September 10. Reoffered to coincide with PLASTIC MAN ARCHIVES VOL. 5 HC, this pewter figure measures 3.625" tall and features the pliable hero standing atop a circular base emblazoned with the JLA logo. Retailers please note: quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. $24.95.

POCKET SUPER HEROES SERIES I: COSMIC BOY & SATURN GIRL - relist In stores September 24. Reoffered to coincide with POCKET SUPER HEROES SERIES II: SILVER AGE SPEEDY AND WONDER GIRL (offered in Previews Vol. XIII, No. 3). Both figures feature articulation and are packaged together in a 4-color blister pack, which includes backdrop art, story card and plastic stand. $9.95.

POCKET SUPER HEROES SERIES I: GOLDEN AGE DR. FATE & THE SPECTRE - relist In stores September 24. Reoffered to coincide with POCKET SUPER HEROES SERIES II: GUARDIAN AND GUY GARDNER (offered in Previews Vol. XIII, No. 3). Both figures feature articulation and are packaged together in a 4-color blister pack, which includes backdrop art, story card and plastic stand. $9.95.