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Play Mind Teams with Geospace

July 2, 2003 - PLAY MIND TOYS is pleased to introduce GEOSPACE INTERNATIONAL as a partner to its superior team of highly qualified professionals. GEOSPACE INTERNATIONAL is a Seattle-based toy and game company. Involved in the toy market since 1986, GEOSPACE now serves as PLAY MIND TOYS' marketing, sales and distribution source for all business in North America. Receiving worldwide notoriety for their expansive line of games and toys, GEOSPACE and PLAY MIND are combining efforts to supply the toy and collectible industries with high quality, reasonably priced products.

According to Jesse Binkley, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at GEOSPACE, there is unquestionable great potential for both PLAY MIND's TITANIUM™ and X-JOINTS™ series of figures in multiple markets. "We believe that PLAY MIND has created a lineup of play things that will appeal to a broad cross-section of kids and collectors alike. Unlike a lot of mass-market oriented toys, their product will appeal to a more sophisticated customer who is searching for toys that will enhance creativity and imaginative play, as well as be highly collectible for years to come." Jesse continues by adding the physical benefits of the up and coming PLAY MIND lines. "The quality of the product is another strength. Because this line was created with the collectors expectations in mind as well as kids, a lot of effort went into creating a innovative, high quality design."

To find out more about GEOSPACE INTERNATIONAL or get information on where PLAY MIND product will be sold, go to www.geospaceplay.com or call toll free 1-800-800-5090.

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