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Final Street Fighter Player 3 Colors Revealed

newp3_blanka.jpg - 12063 BytesLast month, just before the American International Toy Fair, we showed you several images up upcoming Street Fighter Series 1 figures from ReSaurus with all-new Player 3 color schemes.

The original Player 3 color schemes we showed you in February (which you can see in our ReSaurus Toy Fair Coverage) have changed since last month, and the folks at ReSaurus have kindly granted RTM an exclusive sneak peek at the new color schemes for Ken, Blanka and Cammy (Ryu, Alex, Vega).

You will be able to find these figures around the beginning of May at Target stores, Electronics Boutique and Babbages. Other retailers may also pick up the repaints given the brisk sales of the other ReSaurus' Street Fighter figures but exactly which ones remains to be seen.

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[Updated 3/22/2000]

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