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Grand Opening of Custom Central

custom central

July 22, 2003 - Raving Toy Maniac is proud to announce the opening of a new section on RTM, or rather a new and improved version of the old Custom Corner. But first we welcome aboard the one who will be running the new section, though most in the custom community will already be familiar with him � Cason Pilliod, aka Casimir. Cason has been an active member of the online custom community and we're very pleased he accepted our offer of running the new Custom Central section.

So what is Custom Central and what's different? Custom Central will be just one more resource for customizers to find information and expose the large audience of RTM to the custom community, with the hope that new people will be inspired to get started on their own projects. We'll have galleries for images, articles, links and where it goes from there is up to the community.

So go and check it out and if you have ideas, pass them along!

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