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New Toy Company: BMA Toys

Plymouth, MI (July 18, 2003). In 1994, McFarlane Toys exploded on the action figure scene and brought a new standard of quality and design to the toy market. Now, key players that led the wave of supreme detail in action figures have formed a new company.

The company is Billotto, Martin, and Associates (BMA). It is spearheaded by Anthony Billotto and William Martin, both founding members of McFarlane Toys' launch in 1994. They are joined by Paul Burke, the co-founder and co-owner of McFarlane Toys (along with McFarlane himself), who will take on the role as Chairman of the new company.

Billoto was head of AEB & Associates and co-President of the McFarlane Design Group, which launched the award winning lines of McFarlane Toys. The highly detailed line developed a radical new approach to toys, which has influenced all action figure design since. Billotto has also worked as a designer for Hasbro, Mattel, and Fisher Price. Billotto left McFarlane Toys in 2000.

Martin was the first President of McFarlane Toys when it formed in 1994 until he left the company in 2001. Structuring many of the relationships with factories and suppliers, Martin directed all toy production in China and Hong Kong and oversaw the company's growth from six employees to over 100.

Burke was the co-founder and CEO of TMP International, the parent company of McFarlane Toys. While Todd McFarlane handled the creative aspects of McFarlane Toys, it was Burke who handled the startup, financial and global business affairs of the company. Burke left TMP in 1998.

Also joining BMA Toys is Chet Jacques, who developed the Collector's Club for McFarlane Toys and also represented the company at many conventions. He will serve the same role at BMA.

"We're excited to be venturing on another journey of creativity again," said Martin, "and though we can't guarantee the same level of financial success this time, we certainly can guarantee the same level of quality in the toys we produce."

Burke explained that BMA was originally formed to manufacture premium toys but "the response to the toys was so enthusiastic that it led us to expand into a fully functional toy company."

Martin and Burke attribute much of BMA's anticipated success (as well as McFarlane's) to the quality design work of Billotto. "Tony (Billotto) is, in my mind, the premier toy designer in the business and has proven it for well over a decade," said Martin.

Martin also said that a number of properties are in development, with the first two slated for release in the next six to eight months. The initial launches are licensed from popular video games.

The first release will be Maximo from the CapCom video game, Maximo vs Army of Zin. and that will be followed by Sony's Ape Escape 2.

A full schedule will be announced shortly and BMA will hold its first public appearance at the TIA Toy Expo in October, 2003. They have a showroom in the Toy District of Manhattan.

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