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2003 Mage Knight World Champion

August 21, 2003 (SEATTLE) - Sascha Koch of Heiligenhaus, Germany, a 27-year-old economics and engineering student, has more powerful magic than any other hero in the Land. Koch was crowned 2003 Mage Knight(tm) world champion after emerging victorious from the ultimate fantasy battle, the Mage Knight World Championship, held recently at Gen Con 2003 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

"I am all smiles!" said Koch, who was also crowned Mage Knight German national champion earlier this year. Koch has been playing the best-selling collectable miniatures game (CMG) since October 2001.

Koch's ear-to-ear grin was in no small part because of the prize package he received for his achievement. In addition to complete figure sets of the four newest Mage Knight expansions, including the coveted Sinister release, he also took home a variety of Mage Knight large figures, including a Hill Giant, a Black Powder Steam Tank and a Limited Edition Atlantean Ram. He also won both Mage Knight Dungeons Artifact Sets and a personalized trophy made from an Orc Cyclops.

Koch's winning army consisted of a Unique Wraith Mage Spawn, a Tough Shadow Mage Spawn, a Unique Elroodon Lightfoot of the Knights Immortal, a Standard Crystal Protector of the Elemental League and a Standard Dwarf on Steam Ram from the Elemental League.

"This army is strong against the popular 'Bounder' armies currently in play," said Koch. "These armies move in fast and usually bring a quick ranged attack. I used the Shadow to prevent the Bounder from hitting my key pieces, and my Dwarf on Steam Ram moved around behind my opponent to ram his Bounders." Koch described his army as quick and defensive, so none of his warriors were easy to hit. He cited his most important warrior as the Wraith, which features good speed and high defense and damage.

WizKids' Organized Play division sponsors more than 10,000 WizKids game events every month in hobby stores across North America and Europe. Its Mage Knight and MechWarrior(r) game tournaments rank participants according to wins, and highly ranked players are invited to playoff rounds. Championship matches for the HeroClix(tm) game are Open events, with qualifying rounds leading to the championship round. To find out more about WizKids, or to find the next tournament in your area, visit www.wizkidsgames.com.

(c)2003 WizKids, LLC. All rights reserved. Mage Knight, MechWarrior, HeroClix and WizKids are trademarks of WizKids, LLC.

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