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DST Venom MiniMate Update

venom head

September 2003 - Now you can be just like those wacky Canucks!

Word on the street is that your Venom Minimate can't kiss like the French... that is unless you purchased your Venom Minimate in Canada. As a bonus to all you Minimate fans that want the KISS-esque Venom head, here's your chance to get one!

In order to receive the Extended-Tongue Venom head, simply mail a
Proof-Of-Purchase from ANY Marvel Minimate and a 3" x 5" index card with your return address on it to:

DST Venom Head Offer
1966 Greenspring Drive
Suite 402
Timonium, MD 21093
ATTN: Nick Meyer

Check out www.diamondselecttoys.com for more info and images.

Once we've received your UPC and shipping info, we'll send Venom's missing head right off to you. This offer is good while supplies last or until October 31st, which ever comes first. One head per household... which is a really strange sentence to type.

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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