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The Vanimal Zoo Figurines

vanimals action figures

September 2003 - Continuing the popularity of unique figurine collectibles from Japan, fans can add these new sets of Vanimals to their collections, and they are available exclusively through Diamond Comic Distributors!

Collectible figurines have become one of the biggest trends among action figure collectors. They feature highly detailed artwork, come in wide varieties, and make for an impressive collection for any hobbyist. The newest addition to the figurine craze is The Vanimal Zoo. These figures are a series of animal figurines filled with the spirits of the 4 V's of the participating U.S. and Japanese artists: Variety, Virtual, Vision, and Vital. The objective of the zoo is to create a place of paradise for the creative and imaginary animals given birth by the artists. Never before have so many famous alternative artists collaborated on one toy product, and fans can celebrate this conglomeration and add to their collections!

The Vanimal Zoo USA Trading Figures and Vanimal Zoo Japan Trading Figures feature a wide variety of new and unique species, from obedience school dog dropouts to squids with unstable personalities, from some of the most gifted artists around today. The USA set features Dalek's Space Monkeys, Deanne Cheuk's Vikanimals, Gary Baseman's Dunces, Kevin Lyon's Mighty Uprock, and Tim Biskup's Totem Pals. The Japan set features Gento Matsumoto's Dog, Hideyasu Moto's Lizard, Jun Miura's Ushigaeru, and Yukinori Dehara's Pig. Scheduled to ship in Kanuary 2004, these are two sets of trading figures that no fan of unique collectibles will want to be without.

Fans can find these and other great import toy products at their local comics shop, or by contacting the Comic Shop Locator Service toll free at 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266- 4226) or online at http://csls.diamondcomics.com.

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