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Marvel Mini Mates Custom Contest


September 15, 2003 - The results of their Custom LOTR Armies of Middle Earth Contest vote are in, congratulations user EchoBaseRecords.

Based on the success of their AOME contest, MillionairePlayboy.com is proud to launch their Custom Marvel Mini Mates contest. Grab a mini mate or two and photograph them and spice it up. It can be anything from a desktop wallpaper, an animated buddy icon, a short comic strip, a greeting card, or your own kit-bashed creation. We'd love to see it.

The Deadline: October 3rd

How to Enter: Join the MillionairePlayboy.com message board (free) to post your entries. As usual, they can assist with file size and hosting if you need it.

They will hold a public vote after the deadline to determine the winner.

The Prizes: Single-carded Hulk, Green Goblin, Spider-Man, and Venom. And the con-exclusive two packs of Peter Parker/Mary Jane and Ultimate Spider-Man/Gray Hulk.

So get those creative juices flowing and send in your pics.

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