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Mademoiselle Marie Moulin Rouge

Mademoiselle Marie accessory set

December 2003 - Mademoiselle Marie is on the move again but this time she, along with Dreams and Visions, is stepping out in the newly released Moulin Rouge Reconnaissance outfit. Being the lady that she is, Marie is keeping with the mood and style of her surroundings as she continues the resistance fighting in her accessory set containing everything from a can can dress with a hidden secret compartment (which hides her poncho) and a brass knuckle hair comb! This accessory set for the beautiful Mademoiselle Marie speaks of her feminine style as well as her courageous fighting technique. For only a woman like Marie can outwardly entice onlookers in her can can dress while within her garter hold that knife that is plotting and scheming toward victory.

Mademoiselle Marie's Moulin Rouge Reconnaissance Accessory set will be selling at a suggested retail price of $36.00. Limited to 2000 piece edition.

This item is still pending final approvals.

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