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SubCultures Exclusive Rex Ganon

Rex Ganon Action Figure
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January 2004 - Now's your chance to own Special Forces: Artist Edition "Rex Ganon". The Indestructible Rex Ganon is the flagship character of the SubCultures: Art of the Action Figure exhibit, a showcase promoting "toys as art". Now's your chance to own a piece of that fine indestructible ass! The exclusive figure is based on designs by SubCultures ringleader "R Hunter" and produced by those swell guys at Plan B Toys. Best of all, Rex is being offered exclusively through Millionaire Playboy to all the action figure fanatics who can't make it to the show!

A limited amount is up for pre-sale for all the online toy collectors! How's that for giving back to the community?

Rex comes with a ton of articulation, m1911 pistol, and interchangeble gear! Only 3,000 are being made!

Pre-Order yours now at: www.millionaireplayboy.com/subcultures/rex
Disclaimer: This is an advanced pre-sale. Product's expected ship date is 2-20-04. Final figure and accessories may vary from photos taken. Dates subject to change. Product is not really "Indestructible". We recommend you do not play with it in public if you are over age 10.

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In Association with Amazon.com Big Bad Toy Store - click for more information

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