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Mighty Beanz Trading Cards

PHILADELPHIA & NEW YORK -- Feb. 3, 2004 -- In conjunction with its presentation at the 11th Annual Emerald Groundhog Day Investment Forum being held in Philadelphia today, Genio Group, Inc., a developer and marketer of innovative entertainment and leisure products, and Spin Master, Ltd., a leading Canadian developer and North American distributor of Mighty Beanz(TM), announced today that they have signed a license agreement for the use of Mighty Beanz characters in a new Genio Cards(TM) series being launched in Spring 2004. Mighty Beanz are one of the most popular current children's collectable in North America.

The license agreement provides Genio with access to hundreds of Mighty Beanz characters for use in a collectible card series aimed at children ages 5 through 12. The initial launch of the Mighty Beanz series of Genio Cards will consist of 2 SKUs - a 40-card Starter Deck, which includes one free Mighty Beanz toy and a 9-card booster pack. The first card series will feature a total of 90 different cards.

The launch will be supported by a comprehensive media and print advertising campaign slated to begin in March 2004 as well as by ongoing brand support from Mighty Beanz, including on-air, in-store and on-line promotions.

Originally developed by Moose Enterprises in Australia, Mighty Beanz have become one of the most popular children's collectible products in the marketplace with ongoing top three sales rankings in significant worldwide markets. After their domestic launch by Spin Master in September 2003, Mighty Beanz quickly became one of the most popular children's collectible in North America based on reported sell-through at retail outlets. Based on projected shipments, Spin Master is confident that Mighty Beanz will continue to top the toy charts in 2004.

Genio's President, Susan Eisner, stated, "Spin Master has created a very exciting product that resonates with its target audience - and their parents. We believe the Mighty Beanz concept is an ideal fit with Genio's unique 'edutainment'-focused product lines. The new card series will be targeted at children, their parents and their families, many of whom may have already begun a collection of Mighty Beanz, as well as other influencers like early-childhood educators. We believe this new series, featuring easy game play and interesting 'factoids,' combined with the likeness' of the Mighty Beanz characters will stimulate a tremendous level of interest from both consumers and retailers."

About Spin Master Ltd.

Spin Master Ltd. markets, manufactures and distributes children's toy, entertainment and furniture products globally. It is one the world's fastest growing toy companies and has established itself as the largest privately held toy company in Canada. Diligent product development and powerhouse marketing strategies have created a worldwide reputation for great products. Highly recognized for its creative vision, some of Spin Master's successes include the innovative AIR HOGS(TM) line, "McDonald's(TM) McFlurry Maker," "Hershey's(TM) Chocolate Magic," "The Incredible SHRINKY DINKS(TM) MAKER" and "The Wiggles(TM)" preschool toy line.

About Genio Group, Inc.

Genio Group, Inc., is a developer and marketer of entertainment and leisure products whose management team has substantial experience in consumer product marketing. Genio Group holds a worldwide license with Marvel Enterprises, Inc. to manufacture and sell specific categories of products built around the globally recognizable Marvel Super Heroes(TM), including Spider-Man(TM), The Incredible Hulk(TM), X-Men(TM), Elektra(TM), Daredevil(TM) and the Fantastic Four(TM). Genio Group holds a North American license to produce a trading card series based on the popular Mighty Beanz(TM) collectible characters. The initial Genio Card collection is currently available in select national retailers in the United States including Target, CVS, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Toys-R-Us, Walgreens, and Linen & Things among others. For more information about Genio Cards(TM), visit www.geniocards.com.

Marvel and all related character names are TM & (C) 2004 Marvel Characters, Inc. All rights reserved. Super Heroes is a co-owned registered trademark.

Mighty Beanz and all related character names are TM & (C) 2004 Moose Enterprises PTY Ltd. All rights are reserved.

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