New Arrivals at Big Bad Toy Store
 March 3, 2004 - (Sponsor Announcement) - Online retailer has several new items of interest to collectors:
STIKFAS - The latest wave of Stikfas has arrived - Super Villian, Super Hero, and Phantom - Available as a set for $24.99. Villian and Phantom also available for $7.99 each. More of the Beta Dragons have also arrived.
TRANSFORMERS - We've finally received enough Takara 20th Anniversary Primes to fill all our pre-orders & list extras on the Website! Alternators Sideswipe has arrived (pre-orders processed soon) More Takara #09 Starscream and #00 Optimus Prime have arrived.
SPAWN 25 - We've received a portion of our order of Spawn 25 - Classic Covers 2. Four of the Five figures are available individually for $8.99 to $9.99. Our full sets have all sold on the pre-orders (which will be processed soon) Spawn 26 and many other McFarlane items are up for pre-order now.
GUNDAM FIX 0019 - The next figure in the cool FIX series. The FIX 0019 is the Super Gundam / MKII edition which contains the core figure as well as extra parts to construct either the Super Gundam or MK II figure. The extra parts also combine to make the G-Defenser ship. Available for $54.99 along with many other FIX figures. (Pre-orders processed soon)
PALISADES - ALIEN & MUPPETS - The Special Edition Alien Bust has arrived and we have limited stock available for $59.99 each. Mega Muppets Gonzo has also arrived and is priced at $25.99
STAR WARS UNLEASHED 7 - Part of our Unleashed 7 shipment has arrived and the rest is on the way! Three great new figures - Chewbacca, Clone Trooper, and Luke X-Wing are available in a set of 3 for $49.99
TRANSFORMERS ARRIVING SOON - Takara has confirmed our order and given us a preliminary ship date for: BT-03 Silverstreak, BT-04 Hound, Smallest Transformers Wave 2. They will be arriving to us in either late March or early April. We have pre-orders available for all of them - $54.99 each
STAR WARS TRILOGY / VINTAGE: Hasbro has gond back to the roots of the SW line with these great new figures coming out this summer. We have listed pre-orders for: Trilogy Vintage Wave 1 set of 4 - the packaging on these is very similar to the original line! Trilogy Basic Wave 1 Set of 9, Trilogy Millenium Falcon, Trilogy 12" Set of 3, Trilogy X-Wing and TIE Fighter. Unleashed Wave 8 and Wave 9 have been listed as well - each set is now a set of 2 figures.
GI JOE: 40th Anniversary - 3 new Case assortments are available for $134.99 each. Some of the new figures include Command Post Commune, Marine Paratrooper & Action Pilot Crash Crew. Echo Wave Navy Dolphin Trainer and Valor vs Venom Wave 2 and Wave 3 are available for pre-order as well.
ENERGON: Two more big figures coming this summer! Omega Supreme and a repainted Unicron are available for pre-order for $57.99. We have also listed pre-orders for Energon Mega and Ultra waves that include new figures as well as the Optimus / Megatron Super Wave.
ARMADA / UNIVERSE 'BATTLE IN A BOX' SET: Hasbro is offering these cool battle sets to us and they likely won't be available at most nationwide 'big box' stores. Two sets of figures: Ultra Magnus vs. Treadshot, and Smokescreen vs. Ransack. Both sets available for pre-order - $39.99 for all 4 figures.
ROBOTECH: The three remaining Alpha Masterpiece figures are now available for $79.99 each - Rook Bartley, Lancer, and Sue Graham.
DUEL MASTER: The first wave of figures based on the Duel Master property! We have 'Cube', Basic, Deluxe and a great looking Super Sized Dragon Figure available for pre-order.